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- Q: Who are Malvern?
- Q: What is the choice of greenhouses available from Malvern?
- Q: What size Malvern greenhouse do I need?
- Q: Where should I locate my Malvern greenhouse?
- Q: What type of base is suitable for my Malvern greenhouse?
- Q: Can I insulate my Malvern greenhouse?
- Q: How do I clean my Malvern greenhouse glass?
- Q: How do I maintain my Malvern sliding doors?
- Q: How can I get rid of my old greenhouse?
- Q: What access is required to deliver my Malvern greenhouse?
- Q: Is my Malvern greenhouse suitable for DIY assembly?
- Q: Can I have electricity in my Malvern greenhouse?
- Q: Is planning permission required for my Malvern greenhouse?
- Q: Is building regulations approval required for my Malvern greenhouse?
- Q: What is Western Red Cedar?
- Q: What is pressure treatment?
- Q: How should I maintain my Malvern greenhouse?
- Malvern is a trading name of MPB or Midland Portable Buildings, one of the largest and longest established manufacturers of garden buildings in the UK. The range includes the Malvern Traditional range, the Malvern Collection and the premium quality Malvern Cottage range. In addition to their range of greenhouses, the Malvern range also includes a huge range of other garden buildings. Malvern manufacture garden sheds and workshops, summerhouses and garden rooms, garden offices, gazebos, garages and children's playhouses. All buildings are available with installation as an option and some include free installation.
- The Malvern collection of greenhouses includes the Hampton and the Sutton greenhouses with an apex roof, the octagonal Malvern Suntop and the Malvern Victorian, a magninficent range of premium quality greenhouses. All Malvern greenhouses are available in a range of sizes with many accessories available.
- The space will always be used, so buy the biggest Malvern greenhouse you can afford provided that it fits comfortably in the space available. There are no precise guidelines regarding the size. Often the size of the greenhouse is dictated by the space available. At Summer Garden Buildings we offer a wide range of sizes to suit every space. If you are replacing an existing greenhouse, you should consider whether to have the same size again or perhaps larger. You should also consider what you will be growing. The most popular size for a small greenhouse is 8'x6'. Sizes for the more dedicated gardeners range from 8'x10' to 10' x 12' and larger.
- Ideally your Malvern greenhouse should have a clear space at least 18" wide on all sides, if possible. This ensures easy access for both installation and future maintenance. In reality this is often not practical and at many sites it is not needed. A reduced clearance is often possible on one or two sides. You should cut back or remove any nearby shrubs and trees. Remember to allow for future growth. A greenhouse needs maximum sunlight so it should be sited in a sunny spot outside the shadow of nearby buildings and trees. We recommend a sheltered position which is not exposed. Ideally the ridge of a freestanding greenhouse should run from east to west. A lean to greenhouse should be sited against a south facing wall. Plants need plenty of water so your greenhouse should be close to a water supply and the site should be well drained.
- All greenhouses need a substantial base. The base should be solid, square, flat and level to ensure the stability of your greenhouse. Greenhouse bases can be laid on any hard flat surface including well compacted soil but paving slabs or concrete is best.
- Inexpensive bubble insulation can be easily fitted to the frame of your Malvern greenhouse. Heaters are also available. Some Malvern greenhouses are available with internal partitions to provide for warm areas. Some Malvern greenhouses are available with shading kits to protect plants from scorching.
- The outside of your Malvern greenhouse glass can be cleaned using a mild detergent in warm water. All surfaces should be cleaned using a soft cloth, a sponge or a natural bristle brush. Cleaning the inside of your greenhouse can only be done outside the main growing season, probably in late September or October. For the plants sake use a mild disinfectant cleaning fluid as this will kill off any pests which could harm the plants.
- Malvern sliding greenhouse doors have a nylon glide which runs in a channel which often gets blocked with grit and dirt. This will cause the doors to stick and wears out the nylon. The glides should be cleaned regularly to stop this happening.
- The easiest way to remove your existing greenhouse is to sell it. There's a very healthy trade in old second hand greenhouses. You probably won't earn much money from the sale, but you'll get rid of it for nothing! The usual arrangement is to sell the old greenhouse for the buyer to dismantle at a time which is convenient for you. Ideally you should insist on full payment and immediate removal. If you settle for a deposit, perhaps with removal at a later date, make sure it's a significant deposit. You need to be confident that the buyer will return when agreed! You can normally place a classified advertisement in the local newspaper for a few pounds by phone or online, with payment by credit card. Typical draft advertisement: "Aluminium greenhouse 8' x 12' double doors, good condition, buyer to dismantle, £50 for quick sale. Phone 01234 567890"
- All Malvern greenhouses are delivered by prior appointment with you. Access through the house may be possible if there is a straight route. Malvern greenhouses are normally delivered in flat panels and a clear access route is required from the lorry to the storage area, with no access restrictions. Possible restrictions include archways, narrow passages, sharp corners and flights of steps. Access through the house may be possible if there is a straight route. Please advise us if there are any access restrictions at the site.
- Malvern greenhouses are all suitable for DIY assembly. Assembly is a straightforward and satisfying project for any DIY enthusiast. Even large Malvern greenhouses can be installed with only basic tools, such as a hammer, a screwdriver, a power drill, a spirit level, an adjustable spanner, a knife, a stepladder and safety goggles. Particular care is required when handling glass and good quality gloves should be worn at all times. You should not attempt to lift heavy sections without a helping pair of hands. Remember that extra time spent preparing a good base is normally repaid with time saved later on during the installation. Our inexpensive installation service is available in all areas if you prefer to have your Malvern greenhouse professionally installed.
- The majority of Malvern greenhouses do not require planning permission. However, permission is required for any building which covers over half the garden, which is not for domestic use or which is over 3 metres high with a pent roof or 4 metres high with an apex roof. Larger buildings which are within 2 metres of a boundary and over 2.5m high (8'2") require planning permission. Some larger Malvern greenhouses may be over 2.5m high. Planning permission may also be required for any greenhouse which is nearer to a public highway than the original dwelling. For planning purposes a public highway includes any road or footpath with a public right of way. If you live in a Conservation Area or a Listed Building permission may be required for any greenhouse over 10 cubic metres in volume. This brief summary is not intended to be a comprehensive guide. Contact us for further advice or contact your local planning department. Please note that planning regulations apply to any building whether temporary or permanent including greenhouses.
- The majority of greenhouses do not require approval under the building regulations. However, approval is required for any garden building with an internal floor area of more than 30 square metres. Standard Malvern greenhouses are less than this size. However, it is possible to exceed 30 square metres internal floor area if you add extensions to the standard Malvern greenhouses. Please note that the building regulations apply to any building in excess of 30 square metres whether temporary or permanent including greenhouses.
- Many Malvern greenhouses feature Western Red Cedar, an attractive timber with an unrivalled reputation for durability. It is ideal for use in the construction of wooden greenhouses. The superior qualities of Western Red Cedar are summed up in this extract from the grading rules published by The Pacific Lumber Inspection Bureau:
- "The largest and finest of the cedars produced anywhere in the world, the Western red cedar is famed for its extraordinary durability and resistance to decay. Western red cedar is a distinct species, possessing all the desirable qualities of the other cedars, and additional advantages besides. It can be finished to a smooth, silky finish; it is free from pitch, it takes and holds stains and paints excellently, and has superior glueing properties. Its colour is extremely attractive, varying from almost pure white of the narrow sapwood to the light straw shade of dark reddish-brown of the heartwood. The wood of Western red cedar has a vey low coefficient of expansion, so that it does not shrink, swell or warp excessively, even when subjected to changing degrees of temperature and moisture. It has prime insulating qualities and its pleasing aromatic odour is repellent to moths, insects and vermin. The wood is saturated to every fibre with a natural preservative oil which renders it virtually immune to decay and gives it extreme durability without artificial preservative treatment. It is not necessary to paint cedar to preserve its surface, as it does not deteriorate appreciably even under severe climatic changes."
- Pressure treatment is a lifetime preservative treatment. Many Malvern greenhouses feature pressure treated timber. The preservative is forced into the timber under pressure and penetrates below the surface, whereas all other treatments apply a coat of stain to the surface of the timber only. Pressure treatment is almost colourless except for a slight green tint caused by the copper content in the preservative. No further treatment is ever needed but if you want a coloured finish you can paint over pressure treated timber with normal wood preservative in any colour.
- Malvern greenhouses are made from cedar or pressure treated timber which will last a long time even without regular treatment. It is not necessary to treat cedar which is a naturally resilient timber and does not deteriorate appreciably even under severe climatic changes. If untreated cedar will gradually fade to a silvery grey. We also recommend that you regularly oil the door and window hinges as required to ensure continued smooth operation. Although not essential, if you treat the external timber with a good quality wood stain every year this will prolong the life of your Malvern greenhouse. All major wood stain manufacturers offer suitable products in a choice of colours, available from good hardware shops. We also offer a wide range of microporous wood preservatives in a choice of colours. Although normally offered with a new building only we are always happy to supply any of our microporous preservatives separately at any time to an existing customer who purchased one of our buildings.
Who are Malvern?
What is the choice of greenhouses available from Malvern?
What size Malvern greenhouse do I need?
Where should I locate my Malvern greenhouse?
What type of base is suitable for my Malvern greenhouse?
Can I insulate my Malvern Greenhouse?
How do I clean my Malvern greenhouse glass?
How do I maintain my Malvern sliding doors?
How can I get rid of my old greenhouse?
What access is required to deliver my Malvern greenhouse?
Is my Malvern greenhouse suitable for DIY assembly?
Is planning permission required for my Malvern greenhouse?
Is building regulations approval required for my Malvern greenhouse?
What is Western Red Cedar?
What is pressure treatment?
How should I maintain my Malvern greenhouse?
Summer Greenhouses is a leading UK retailer of greenhouses including Malvern greenhouses and other top brands, established in Norwich, Norfolk since 1981.